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What is Kambo?

Kambo is a powerful medicine that is from the giant monkey frog. Indigenous people have used Kambo for centuries to heal and cleanse the body by strengthening its natural defences.  Human cells open themselves to the beneficial properties of Kambo unlike many substances that are filtered and eliminated by the body’s highly intelligent defence system.


Kambo removes toxins from the body through purging as dormant cells in the body are activated, ‘woken up’. In Kambo we find peptides that perform hormone-like tasks, while others provide support for vital cellular processes. Kambo helps to dissolve mental blockages and brings mental clarity and focus along side many physical benefits. 

What to expect?

When receiving the medicine of kambo it is used in a ceremonial way.

Firstly we will open the space and call in the spirit of Kambo and you will be cleansed and smudged. You will then offer the invitation for you to prayer and set your intention for your treatment. Rapé - a scared tobacco will be served and blown up the nose to begin the cleanse process

You will then begin to drink 2 litres of water before receiving kambo. Gates will then be burnt into the skin using a Tamishi Vine. Kambo will then be placed on your points.

Kambo will scan your body and get to work in the areas in which are needed. The heart rate will be lifted and you can have a sensation of feeling hot and you may begin to sweat. Kambo helps us to ‘purge’ to help us release toxins that dont serve us.

You will sit with the medicine for 20-40 minutes before the points are removed and you will lay and rest and integrate your process.



What are some of the benefits of Kambo?

Kambo is a cleansing process, mentally emotionally and physically.
This medicine has been used successfully to bring great healing and to treat a wide range of health challenges in the mind, body and spirit. 

Including - 


Improved mood

Improved motivation
Skin Conditions
Supportive for depression

Clarity in the mind

More resilience 
Remove Toxicity in the body
Remover of ‘Panema’ known as bad energy

More inspired to exercise 

Anti-microbial properties and more. 

We continue to hear incredible feedback from participants who attend our retreats ~ from a heightening in senses, improved mood, mental clarity, motivated, a sense of calm, no longer suffering from migraines, stronger immunity, less fatigue, increased sense of courage and compassion and reduced levels of anxiety and depression. 


The kambo OPTIONAL and an ADD ON AT COST is always served with reverence, humility and respect. Throughout the entire process you are held safely by our experienced and qualified Kambo practitioner and the Team. 

Any further questions about kambo?

Thanks for your questions!

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